Friday, May 14, 2010

" When the person says fucking asshole "

Run away ,
run to the highest mountain that i want to run ,
to run away from you ,
and hide from the problem that mess me up ,

Mess up ?
i try to be chill ,
chill like the ice berg ,
that always scare people to crash it ,

Crash ?
crash or crush ?
maybe my heart crush ,
crush and broken up ,
with someone ,

Someone ?
someone play with all the words ,
began to make me happy ,
but lastly make me feel guilty ,
guilty to you ,

You ?
you face beautiful but ,
maybe your heart dark ,
dark with all damn words ,
and make damn to the person ,

Damn !!
bullshit , that the words that i always says ,
fuckin' ur asshole ,
don't you ever came to my life again ,

Asshole .


  1. asshole,
    you're just nothing to me,
    nothing anymore,
    damn it,
    you mess me up,
    you crushed my heart,
    you, the someone i knew.

    sebok jap nk sambung
